Friday, March 31, 2006


162 hours and 6 minutes.
Enough said?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Full Circle...

I was driving to work this morning, listening to a Metallica CD a lot louder than I probably should have had it turned up to... the Unforgiven started playing... it took me back to the first time I had ever heard the Master of Puppets CD... I remember everyone who was there, and how I just LOVED the music... I had just turned 18 and life was wonderful... It kind of hit me then that the moment I was remembering was twenty years ago. Could it be twenty years? Surely not... then I started thinking about how ten years ago the kids and I were listening to the Unforgiven 2... back then I was a single mom and after cub scouts and girl scouts and homework was done for the day and the kids were in bed, I had time to pick up my guitar and sit down with the sheet music for all sorts of songs... twenty years? Now DS (Mr.SoonToBeBlue) is always playing his guitar. He asks me now and then about a particular riff or a note that he just can't figure out... I should make more time to sit down with him and play... He's only been playing three months (but plays another instrument and can read music) but is getting really good already... the other day I heard him playing part of the Unforgiven... He's going to be 18 in a few months... I keep telling him to learn to play classical music because if he does that, he'll be able to play anything. I've been playing for 30 years and it wasn't until I took some classical guitar at the college fifteen years or so ago that I started being able to play just about anything... Anyway... I'm not sure if I'm getting older or if my kids are just growing up to where I used to be...

So I won tickets a few weeks ago from the radio station to go see Bob Dylan and Merle Haggard... Not sure yet if we're going but it might be interesting... the last concert I went to was the Moody Blues and hmmm.... that was almost 20 years ago... gosh, maybe I AM getting old?

Not complaing, merely reflecting :) Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More On (moron?) Wednesday...

Not much new here...
Still counting the hours until Ms.Blue arrives. We have lots of plans of stuff to do while she's home because it will be at least fall before we get to see her again, and that's only depending on deployment. One thing at a time now... she only has two tests left and has already started her outprocessing... she can't wait to come home and is really excited about finally going to her first duty station and finding some sort of normal life out on her own in the wild BLUE yonder...

NOT counting the days until Mr.SoonToBeBlue leaves... it's gonna be a long while yet. The days are already ticking off his 8 year contract however... and he's still trying to get that blueacademy appointment...

BabyGirlDD is doing some extra studying this week. Remember last summer when she insisted that Salt Lake City was located in Denver?? Well... this past weekend she tried to convince me that Salt Lake City is now in Vermont. I swear... she really should have been blonde. This DD will be 16 later on this year... and is going to her first "par-tay" this weekend. Ms.Blue had a cow right then and there on the phone when I told her babysis was going... because she (Ms.Blue) never got to go to a party at 15... ah. Perks of being the youngest. I haven't told her yet that the little one is going to get her driver's license two years earlier than she did... I'll let Lil'DD keep that secret for now in case she needs to hold it over Ms.Blue's head when she comes home...

We were on the road most of the weekend. (Gosh, is it Wed already??) Making white-haired old ladies scream and all that good stuff. I'm still tired. And still sneezing... That's it for now. Maybe something terribly exciting will happen to me on the way home tonight. I doubt it, but you never know.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006



Sorry about that. Not sure yet if it's a cold or allergies because the pollen is bezerk...but it's icky either way.

Still busy at work, boss will be gone for far away court next 2 days, I will be here to blog something for sure...

MsBlueIsComingHomeNEXTWEEK!!!! I cannot wait IcannotWAIT!

later, Gaters.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Busy Signal...

Sorry. Haven't been able to post or get to read blogs much this week, been swamped... maybe next week will be better.

Thank you for logging on yesterday and letting me know I'm not losing my mind... it's not just the door, it's the whole front entry, both sides of the door too, stacks of it... parts and pieces, well, err....

See ya tomorrow, I hope!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Better Late Than Never!

Most of you will remember about 7 or 8 months ago when I posted about the pornographic glass all over the dentists office. (here is the original post and your comments...) I promised y'all a picture. Better late than never --I finally managed to get you one this morning while we were there getting all scratched and polished up... Just one small section that I could get in the camera really doesn't give you the feel of the thing, but take a look. And think about it. This is the only place I've ever been in my life where I've seen something that probably isn't there... but I swear it is... Go ahead and peek. Tell me you don't see what I'm talking about! LOL

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

No Flowerchildren...These.

DH and I were doing lunch a little while ago, and two ladies were seated at the table next to us. One mid 50's, the other early 60s. Nails perfectly manacured. Not one hair out of place, makeup perfectly applied, full-face of course. Shoes and handbags matching, the perfect example of a gracefully aging Southern Belle.

Both were aging very well. The older ordered a glass of wine and a salad, "with shrimp... with shrimp." The younger ordered a frozen maragarita, no salt. A side salad with ranch and crabclaws, flashfried.

Now think about it. These gals were in their teens and 20s during the 60s. No acid dropping for either of them. No sir. No flower power or peace symbols or any of that stuff. Nope.

I could just see both of them back in the 60s, with their aquanet ratted hair as they stepped out, in the proper southern tradition. And here they were, 40 some odd years later, still shining examples of what a southern lady should reflect.

Yep. Acid would have fried their brains back in the 60s. They prefer to do it the hard way... ordering wine and tequilla at 11:30 in the morning. I swear...


Nothing new to write about worth mentioning, so I didn't feel like posting yesterday. Same ole' ho hum adventure here...

Friday Mr.SoonToBeBlue took me out driving for the first time. Folks, I believe we do have a winner. Much better behind the will than Ms.Blue already, and she has her license! At least that's a little bit of a good thing. Maybe I can put my crash helmet away with this one and just enjoy spending the time together... He has officially applied to the BlueAcademy and written his congressional letters seeking appointment. Saturday was fun, we went to this thing then we went to another thing. Good friends and a good time. Nothing spectacular. I did see a 300lb man climb up on a small chair again and dance for a while, and had to stop and ponder, as I always do, why they don't make pantyhose out of the stuff that chair's made out of. If they could figure that out we'd only have to buy one or two pairs and they would last a lifetime... strong stuff, that chair. Sunday I watched movies most of the day with Lil'DD. It was raining and too cold to get out...

The toilet paper war is still ongoing here at the office. We're down to about 6 paper towells now in the ladies restroom and the sec won't get up off her DependsCoveredRear and go get some. Guess with those diapers it doesn't matter to her if we have TP or not. I'll have to remember to bring a roll from home tomorrow. Pathetic.

The job I applied for closed today, so I'll probably have knots in my stomach until I hear one way or another if I made the interview list... I'm not sure I want to lose the one benefit I have here... being able to take off as much as I do.

See? Nothing going on nothing funny nothing new.
Maybe another time...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Little Green Men...

I dont' drink beer, so the green happy stuff is out.
Don't own anything green either, I sent Ms.Blue a St.Pats green necklace from last year so she'd have something... this is all you get this time.

Oh... but just wait 'till you see the bunny that's coming for Easter! ...maybe next week. We'll see!

In Other Words...

Boss is out today so I have free time and nothing to write about.
That about figures.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mother's Intuition...

I just spent the most heartbreaking 30 minutes on the phone w/ Ms.Blue

Perhaps my pensive mood this morning was just being in-tune with her and picking up on the fact that something just wasn't quite right. She's had a really rough couple of days and it's the first time I actually heard her say, "...Momma, I hate it here..." She cannot wait to finish school and get to her job. You know how it is when you get a group of females together for any extended period of time, it ALWAYS turns into a bitch-fest. ...well, after several months of being cooped up together, she's had about enough. I think there's a tad of PMS in the picture too, but hey, I sure wouldn't want to be in her shoes and have to put up w/ all the stuff she does right now.

Anyway, she's feeling better. I could hear her smile when she said, "Thank you, Mommy..." I wish I could have reached through the phone and given her a big hug. I think I need to go cry now.

More On (moron?) Wed - Part 2

I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to post something all patriotic and shit but that's not happening. In a pensive, thoughtful mood today. Reflecting and stuff.

I talked to my baby brother yesterday. Yes, even I have a baby brother. I have three brothers, in fact. But today the youngest is on my mind. He's ten years older than Ms.Blue and is an arson investigator out west. Our camera phones have been working overtime the past few weeks, between Ms.Blue's graduation and brother's new baby and new puppy and stuff. Makes it seem like we're not so far apart when we can just click and send a picture right that very second...

My cousin is also on my mind the past few days. She's a Ms.Blue, too, a couple of years older than my Ms.Blue. CousinBlue is married to CousinBlue'sHusbandBlue (he's blue too!), they both work in the same job in the same squadron on the same base out west. ...CousinBlue'sHusbandBlue is getting ready to deploy to the sandbox in a few days and CousinBlue, who is newly married, is preparing to spend the summer alone.

This MomOfBlue stuff is kind of hard to grasp. There's pride there. And some comfort too. But there's also a lot of worry. I've found a great deal of help emotionally from a group of moms in the same boat. Do you know what it's like to have your daughter tell you she's going off to a war zone before the end of the year?? This morning I got an email from another Mom whose daughter will be going "over there" around the same time as my own. Sometimes it's nice to have someone else who KNOWS the things and feelings that just can't be written or talked about. Who understands better than one of those Moms that you need a hug when your daughter says, ..."If I don't come back I want my funeral to be..." ...things need to be talked about, but that doesn't make them any easier. It just doesn't. I'm really glad I found them. I think we're good for each other LOL.

Then there's Mr.SoonToBeBlue. He's working furiously trying to get that appointment to the academy. Either way he's going to be blue, but he really wants to make sure his sister has to salute him. Ah, sibling rivalry.

I'm thinking about some other stuff too that's not quite so deep. I posted a year ago that I was about to take over as the local CEO of a particular organization that I volunteer with. My year will be over in just a few weeks. It's been a very good, positive year and I've grown because of it. When the time came for me to say I'd stay a second year, I declined, instead taking a position at a higher level statewide rather than locally for a 2 year term. I'm at peace about the change and hope it will continue to be a good thing...

The government job I applied for closes in a few days. It wont' be long and I'll know if I'm going to get an interview. There's some deep, disturbing thoughts about that too.

So... that's all you get for now. Some rambling about the thoughts flittering around in my brain. Boss is out until Monday. Gonna go see what kind of trouble I can get in to. Have a nice day!

More On (moron?) Wed.

The sec came back a day early. She's sitting there with her butch hair cut hunkered over playing on her myspace, chainsmoking like a fool. One of these days, I'm gonna post that address. One of these days...



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Wide Open Road...

I had the opportunity over the weekend to spend several hours on the road with Mr.SoonToBeBlue and Lil'DD. Just the three of us. It was something we've never done before, just the three of us, ever. It didn't take much to make Lil'DD (15) laugh. She's so precious. We even called Ms.Blue and they talked to her so it was almost like she was along w/ us for part of the ride. Almost. On the way back, Mr.SoonToBeBlue tried very hard to keep me awake and alert. Have you ever played "name that tune" to oldies rock on the radio with a 17 year boy? That's tough!

(sigh)...the clock has already started ticking off the minutes.

Just think. Someday I will really be old enough to wear all this grey hair I've been earning without having to hide it...


You Are Coke

A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer.
Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party.

Your best soda match: Mountain Dew

Stay away from:Dr Pepper


I've been so bad about answering comments lately, sorry 'bout that. I do read them and treasure what y'all have to say to me. Since the sec is out today and I'm kinda pressed for time, I figured I'd just answer them here :)

Melissa said...
Congrats - you must be so proud! :)
9:27 AM

Thanks Mel. I am proud and it's a little overwhelming, too. You're having your baby boy this morning and I was thinking about you on my way to work, and how the next 17 years are going to go so very fast for YOU and little Cooper...

Michael said...
I can feel the pride washing right through you. What a wonderful feeling.Congratulations.On a side note I must let you know that I am certainly not into school girl princesses. I have not encouraged her but your anime is winking at me. She needs to stop. Bring the cute redhead vamp back.Take CareMichael
10:00 AM

Michael - Which one? Almost all of my dolls have been redheads, because, well, I am so you have to let me know which one you want. LOL

Mike said...
Well you should be proud!
10:26 AM

You bet I am...

Molicious said...
Congrats on the boy! I can only imagine how proud you must be. :o)
12:57 PM

Thanks Mol.... can't even begin to describe it!

Lyvvie said...
It's not fair that we put in so much work and love into our kids and then they just go and leave us.I'm gonna do you keep smiling?
2:09 PM

Someone asked me that same question last Saturday LOL! I told her that it's not always a real smile... there's a whole lot going on inside of me right now ;)

Greek Shadow said...
What, no big countdown, angst, tears and all that like the one before? I guess boys are different when they leave home. Congrats on getting them to grow up and leave home. Any advise on how I can do the same.
2:24 PM

Shame on you Tig! You should know me better than that by now. The countdown has started. DS leaves in 14 mos 26 days 5 1/2 hours. I cried yesterday during the ceremony and am sure I will cry again many times during the next 14 mos 26 days 5 1/2 hours. Boys are not different in my house, he can do anything my daughters can! In fact, you should have seen the way he laughed at me when I asked him on Friday night, just like I asked his sister before she went to get sworn in, "...there's no chance you could be pregnant, is there?" Just love them Tig... that's all I can tell you.

chimx2 said...
Damn Kim make me proud to know you. I would have been a basket case. G is coming home on his 21st birthday..the 31st. I am going to throw a party for him. He seems to be starting to grow up. We shall see.
5:57 PM

Linda - thanks. I am so glad G is finally starting to settle down a little bit. That is so cool that he'll be home for his birthday. How long is his leave? Ms.Blue should be home 5 days after G gets there... we'll have to compare notes! ;)

JUST A MOM said...
11:25 PM

No Jaye, I'm not doing so good. LOL. I am avoiding alcohol and people IRL (in real life) who ask me how I'm doing. I am staying away from situations that make me cry, because I'm crying a whole lot these days. Nobody told me the kids were going to grow up and move away. Or grow up and go to war. Or even grow up period. Guess I overlooked that fact all these years...

And for those of you in locations where it just hasn't warmed up quite yet,


HAS TURNED INTO THIS! (Don't you wish you had some?? LOL)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Proud Mommy Day...

I'm so excited I had to sneak in a post this morning! was SO WEIRD last night with only one child at home. That is definitely going to be harder to get used to than just having one out of the house LOL! So...DS is over there in the big city doing his processing right this very minute. A couple more hours and we're going to drive over and see his swearing in ceremony. Gonna have two of those pictures up on the wall by the end of the day! Lil'DD came to work with me since the sec isn't here. Ms.Blue called twice yesterday to offer encouragement, big sister bossiness and NewBlue wisdom to her brother. I can't tell you how proud I am of my kids today.

Have a wonderful day!! ...gotta get some work done and go watch DS become Mr.SoonToBeBlue! Woooohoooooo!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday Scorecard Update!

Sorry I haven't had much to blog about in the sec department. SOS (same ole s***) there. The toilet paper war is still ongoing. We are down to 1 roll of paper towells again. She only worked 6 hours today and even though I haven't been reporting her measley hours here, I still am keeping up with my excel file on her lack of work hours... She's already had 14 days off in the past 5 months, and is taking off Mon., Tues., and Wed. Ought to be interesting.

Supposed to be going to play hold-em in a big game tonight, then hubby has a gig Saturday so we'll be on the road making blue-haired, screaming, Depends-wearing fans happy. Monday I'll only be here a couple of hours in the morning myself so don't look for a post from me until Tuesday. I'm going over yonder to big city to be proud Mama and see DS get sworn in as Mr.SoonToBeBlue. Can't wait.

Have a good weekend and all that stuff! Oh! And Hey MEL!!!! I know you're gonna be in having that baby by the time I get here on Tuesday, so you go girl! Give that brand new baby boy a big kiss for me!! :) see ya

Friday Quiz

How to make a kimdergarten

5 parts success

5 parts self-sufficiency

5 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little wisdom if desired!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Out Of The Closet...

All right y'all. Don't you dare laugh at me.

They've been saying for a couple of days that a really bad storm was coming this way. The wind was blowing really bad this morning, when I came back from lunch the stoplights were blowing horizontal with the road. Windy storms aren't a good thing for those of us here in the south right now. We're all still suffering a bit from post traumatic stress syndrome as a result of Katrina. So the wind kept on blowing and everybody in town is wound up tighter than a rubber band. I mean, they are sending kids home from school across the state and businesses are closed and all of that. It doesn't take much to make us a tad jumpy these days, and nobody needs to apologize for that. We're moving forward and recovering, but some things are gonna take time.

So I got back to work and had brought the sec's lunch w/ me because she didn't want to go out just when the storm was supposed to be hitting. We were sitting in the breakroom watching the weather on tv, and the tornado siren starts blaring. She grabs her purse and told me let's go while I'm scooping up her cigarettes and coke and cell phone, because let's face it, if I'm gonna be trapped in a closet for a week or two with that lady, I am definitely not going to be wanting to share the one cup of coffee I had in my hand, my own half a pack of cigs, or my cell phone. Now, bear with me for a minute. The siren is blaring and it's the first time I've EVER heard one go off during a storm. My recent experience with storms is the gosh-awful 2 weeks without power cleaning up debris after Katrina. So all I know is that the siren is going off and a tornado is coming and I'm gonna be stuck in a closet for a couple of weeks with the sec with a building piled on top of me. ...I follwed her to the closet, and said, "We are NOT shutting the door." ... she looked at me like I was crazy and started talking about how we should have grabbed pillows. HUH? I'm in the closet with a nut and she wants pillows? I'm more worried about making sure she has her own darn drink and phone and she wants to take a nap? (I know now the pillows are to protect your head, but hey, what can I say??) the siren screams and screams and I'm crying because she's worried about pillows and then we realize there's no way to shut the closet from inside. Jeezzz.... So I spent fifteen minutes today in the closet with the sec crying my eyes out scared to death because DH was too busy to talk to me when I called to ask him what I was supposed to do. I thought I was going to die and the siren kept screaming...

I don't know how you southerners can do this stuff so calmly. Guess you can take the California Girl away from the earthquakes, but you can't make her like tornado sirens!


I wasn't joking. Somebody died and that's why the job has opened up LOL. Ok, so I'm not laughing. Somebody offered to hand carry my resume to the lead attorney even though I'm also going through all the hoops that must be jumped through to apply for a government job. It's good to be loved.

Totally snowed under here. Later.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

1000 words...

I swear if it isn't one thing it's another. How do you follow through with a grown child when you hope they are going to learn to be responsible and are taking their sweet time about it? She got the problem under control from a couple of weeks ago and is now a total wild child in another one. I'm not gonna go into detail here, but she's really giving me a killer headache today. Dont' think the headache's going to go away when we follow through with what we said we were going to do either, unfortunately, because it is going to bring about a whole new batch of worries!

Why can't kids just grow up and stop doing stupid stuff? Huh? Hmmmm.....


Shhh... You know I've posted before that legal jobs in our area are few and far between. The only reason I got this job was because the girl that used to be here went on disability and the temp who replaced her moved away... SO. Imagine my excitement --my neighbor emailed me that a government position has opened up that is right up my alley. Better pay AND BENEFITS. ...not to mention no sec. I've applied for it. Please keep a prayer, positive energy or whatever it is you do -- for me about this. The job would cut my drive time in half, have better hours and holidays. ...I know it would suck having to start a new job but in this town chances like this are few and far between. The job doesn't close for another week and I don't want to jinx it... so that' s all I'm going to say until I see if I get called for an interview.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Peek - a - Boo...

Image hosting by Photobucket


I don't blog about controversial or political topics. I just don't. Except today I'm gonna open my mouth and rant for a minute. Maybe it's because the sec isn't here and I'm feeling a big spicy.

THIS is really making me mad.

I've never personally known anyone who has had an abortion, but I do have very strong feelings on the subject. Yes, I am a Christian but I believe, oh so very strongly, that no one, especially not some clueless MALE politician, has the right to tell me, or my daughter, or my sister or my mother, what is right or wrong to do with their body. Gonna make it illegal? That's fine w/ me. Hell, I can't even have kids any more but you can be darned sure I won't be passing through South Dakota any time in the future. Wouldn't spend a dime there to support that idiots salary.

I swear... MEN!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ah... Spring!

Just when you think the South is going to take up arms and fight the Civil War all over again, the rainy season starts and the sun (when it is able to peek through the clouds) shines warm and everything is in radiant bloom. People are smiling again and it is good to be alive. Spring is my favorite time of year since I've moved to the South... I dont' think I ever noticed it before!

It was a good hold-em weekend. Played both nights.
Ms.Blue got her orders and is going to the base she wanted most. That's the good news. There's more but I'm not going to post it until it actually happens.
DS becomes Mr.SoonToBeBlue one week from today. Not sure I'm ready for that but the clock is a tickin'...

The sec was only 25 minutes late today, but is taking tomorrow off, along with next Mon, Tues & Wed. My EXCEL file is going to explode soon, I think, it's getting awfully large.

Not much else is new. Jaye's busy working, haven't been able to catch her online yet to hear all about her trip. Val's had a ton of company and has been really busy too.

Have to put discovery together to mail out this afternoon... later.

553 Permission

I keep getting an error and can't publish a post.
Everybody elses blog is there except mine.
Not a good way to start a monday.
Blogger ate my post from this morning and from Friday too :(

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Rites of Spring.

Before the mosquitos start swarming, the frogs and lizards run amuck here in the south. When it gets warm enough to open up the door, some of the little critters always seem to get through the screens. Last night there was a lizard standing there looking at me like they do. I took one silent flying leap across the living room over the coffee table and up onto the arm of the couch where I perched dancing a jig while DH escorted him out to the yard. Had this been a frog or a toad, it would have been accompanied by shrieks, screaming and shudders. But hey, at least things are greening up finally. Beautiful days and warm nights where windows can be left open... lovely.

Boss will be out tomorrow so I can get caught up on reading my blogroll from the past three weeks. 'bout darn time.

Ms.Blue has her final Phase 1 exam and inspection today. If she passes them then she can put on civilian clothes for the first time at 5:00 tomorrow and wear them (hopefully not the same ones the whole time) until Sunday night. She hasn't worn clothes (LOL that sounds awful!) since a couple of days after Christmas and says she is SOOOO ready. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

AND HEY! DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO IDGIE?? Her blog is gone and she isn't answering her email. Please send me an email if you have heard from her. Thanks...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Update On The Munchkins...

Ms.Blue is loving the school she's at right now. A bit more freedom and lots more time to sleep. I do love talking to her for a few minutes almost every day too. Gosh sometimes I just miss her so terribly. This letting go of your kid thing isn't easy one little bit. We're just waiting now for her to get her orders and find out what base she's going to next. Should be any day now. And then in 4 weeks or so she'll be home for a couple of weeks before she goes off to where ever that is going to be...

DS is set to be sworn in on the 13th. (12 more days, and then the counting and the crying begins for that child... maybe it will be easier this time? we'll see...) They are pushing him towards something in linguistics. He speaks three languages (aren't I a good mom? --Ms.Blue speaks four different languages!) ...the only problem with that is that his school would be a year long and would be located on the west coast. I'm not sure I could stand that. But I guess I'll have to if it happens, right?

Todays Game...

I swear. Score another one for the sec. I put in to take part of the 13th off because DS is being sworn in and becoming Mr.SoonToBeBlue. I was at Ms.Blues ceremony and would not miss this one for the world. The sec also decided she has to take off that day. Just like she had to have off the day Ms.Blue left for BMT. And the day of Ms.Blue's high school awards ceremony so I could not go.

I am really wishing I lived some place where I could get a real job.

This morning I stepped out on the porch to smoke. She sec followed me outside. She hollered over at the lady lawyer at the office across the street and told her we were coming over for an interview... that we're a package deal. Oh me oh my. The sad part is the lady lawyer hollered back, "sure come on over... these girls just do whatever the heck they want anyway." Ah, small town life.

I need to find a new town...

Rabbits Rabbits! *Sniffle...Groan*

Don't forget to say Rabbits Rabbits first on the first of the month for good luck...

I am such a total baby this week. I mean this icky feeling is just whooping my butt. When you work here, you not only have the normal days when you dread coming to work, you dread getting sick too because there's really no being sick about it. On Monday, every time I'd close my eyes the phone would ring. "What can we do about this" or "You're going to have to be here to do that"... So I felt bad to begin with and I felt worse knowing I was going to have to get up and go in yesterday whether or not I felt all right. So I pulled myself together yesterday, threw on a pair of jeans and a snuggly jacket and went to work, figuring the "you're going to have to be here for that, I'm counting on you..." thing would take about 30 minutes SHOULD HAVE TAKEN ABOUT 30 MINUTES and I'd be back home snuggling under my blankie. I was here for five hours. Five hours putting together a 2 million dollar deal that nobody in the office could do the paperwork on. Now, these idiots, and I use that term rarely and not so loosely... these idiots are degreed money making machines, and had to pull me out of bed for five hours to put it together. I cussed at them. I yelled at them. And embarassangly enough, as bad as I felt, I cried at them. Then when the sec took a lunch, while I was here working my tail off SICK, I quit. I was angry. Sick and angry. And they still wouldn't let me leave. I breathed on them. I sneezed on them. And oh I hope they all come down w/ it at the same time because I'm going to absolutely... nah. It's that bad. I wish I was home in bed again today but I really don't want to go through another day like Monday or yesterday. I think it will be easier just to put my head down on my desk and deal with it rather than try and rest and get upset all over again.

SO... On my way to work this morning, I was thinking about the day the sec ran into my car in the parking lot. I don't think I've told y'all about that one. It was about three years ago. A warm, spring day kinda like this one has started out to be. She goes into this freaky flighty panicky mode same time every year, gets her hair cut off to about an inch long and rushes her boobless toothpick self to the tanning salon daily to get dark as a darkie... which for a white woman in the south isn't that great of a thing to do. SO ANYWAY... one day she was freaking off wanting to be out in the warm weather (remember last year she would go home at lunch just to sit out in the sun and never come back to work?) well she was rushing out the door all wild and stuff and jumped into her car and plowed right into the door of MY car. That was back when I had a car and not a truck... she's such a basket case, I swear.

Ok. I think I'm done being angry and fussy and stuff. You wouldn't believe this stack of stuff on my desk that has piled up over the past couple of weeks. Better get at it...