Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The excel file is getting too long to post but knew you'd want the latest...

The sec is down for 20 days off from Jan 1 through July 7 of this year. 20 whole days off. I think she's made it to work on time 3x in the last 5 months. Not counting her 2 hour lunches and leaving early all the time. She's got 2 days off next week and another 7 coming up she is taking for her, ummmm, vacation.

I have had 7 out of my 10 days.
And on that note, I'm leaving early tomorrow for a consult with big city medical person. I was back at the office with the pornographic glass (see previous post on that subject) about two weeks ago and we decided it would be better to just be put to sleep and get the whole thing done at once. Fingers crossed the insurance will pay for most of it. Will post more Friday after I find out what's supposed to happen...

Guess I am just going to have to take an extra week or two of vacation this year. If she's taken 4 weeks off in the first half of the year, can you imagine how much it will be by Christmas? Yikes...

Times like this I love my job... Really I do.

Oh heck. I have to post it. I just cannot resist!

5-Jan Out 12:00
12-JanOut 4:15
13-Jan Out 2:00
17-Jan Lunch 12-2, Out 4:30
18-JanIn 9:00 Lunch 1hr 25 min Out 3:00 - 4:00
19-Jan In 8:30 1.5 hour lunch
20-Jan in 8:20
23-Jan In 8:20 1.5 hour lunch
25-Jan In 8:30 Out 9:00-9:30
26-JanIn 8:30
27-JanIn 8:45 Out 3:00
30-Jan OFF
1-Feb In 8:35 Out 4:30
3-Feb In 8:45 out 10:45 worked 2 hours
7-Feb In 9:00
8-Feb Out 3:50
15-Feb In 8:50
20-Feb OFF
21-Feb in 8:45
22-Feb in 8:30
23-Feb OFF
24-Feb OFF
1-Mar In 8:30
2-Mar In 9:00 2 hr lunch
3-Mar In 8:30
6-Mar in 8:30
7-Mar OFF
8-Mar In 8:45 out 4:15 worked 6.5 hours
10-Mar out 3:15 worked 6 hours
13-Mar OFF
14-Mar OFF
15-Mar In 8:45 1 hr lunch then out 1 hour again worked 6 hrs
16-Mar in 8:30 1.5 hr lunch
20-Mar in 8:30 1.5 hr lunch
21-Mar In 8:25 2 hr lunch worked 6.5 hours
23-Mar In 8:30 out 2:30 worked 6 hours
3-Apr Off 4:00
4-Apr 2 hour lunch
10-Apr in 9:00
11-Apr in 9:30 Out 3:30 worked 6 hours
12-Apr in 8:30
18-Apr in 8:30
19-Apr In 8:45 1.5 hr lunch
20-Apr in 7:30 out 12 worked 4.5 hrs
21-Apr OFF
26-Apr In 8:30
27-Apr In 8:30
3-May In 8:30
4-May In 8:30 2 1/2 hour lunch worked 6 hours
8-May In 8:40
9-May In 9:00 out 4:00 worked 6 hours
10-May in 8:45
11-May In 8:30
12-May In 8:30
15-May In 8:30 out 4:30 worked 7 hours
16-May In 9:15 lunch 1 1/2 hours worked 6 hours
17-May In 8:30
18-May In 8:30 out 3:00 worked 5 1/2 hours
22-May In 8:45
31-May In 8:45
5-Jun OFF
6-Jun OFF
28-Jun OFF
29-Jun OFF
3-Jul OFF
5-Jul OFF
6-Jul OFF
7-Jul OFF

Going Down!

Get your mind out of the gutter! :)

I just paid $2.66 a gallon for gas.
That's almost enough to make me want to fill up twice.
We're averaging 600.00 per month just for gasoline thanks to two Fords and two jet skis.

Gotta run!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Proud Mom Moment...

Ms.Blue has a promotion ceremony tomorrow.
She gets pinned with her first stripe!
She's been gone almost 6 months already... can you believe it?
I think I need to go cry now...

Green, Eggs & Pigs.

Uggh. That was a bad title. Tried to spin off the old Dr.Seuss Green Eggs and Ham thing, but it really was a green, eggs and pigs weekend LOL.

It was beautiful camping out at the lake, even though the water is already getting pretty green. There were no wind advisories so we were out on the water every day for hours & hours. There is only one tiny strip of beach on the whole lake. By tiny I mean about 10 feet long. Friday we discovered one alligator egg in the water right off that area. Yesterday, the entire beach was covered with the eggs! I know I was a little leary about putting my feet in the water right there, because they couldn't have hatched and swam too terribly far, now could they? Hmmm... As for the pig part, well... both the sheriff's dept and fish & game had boats on the water most of the weekend. The first for safety and the second, well, those dudes were just out harassing everybody. I wasn't drinking, so I wasn't worried but gosh they stopped just about everyone. You'd think with them there, it would be safe, right? But these two little boys, about 12 years old broke down and nobody stopped to help them. I watched them for about 10 minutes, swimming pushing jet skis. Poor little guys were so exhausted they could hardly tie the tow ropes to their skis or tell us where to tow them back to. It really made me mad that the fish & game boys were harassing people when they could have taken five minutes to help these little kids. But oh well.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday too! :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For The Girls.

Guys, sorry. This one is probably going to be TMI for you so click 'x' and spare yourself, k?

You know every now & then when the PMS is so freeking bad you could most likely kill somebody and get away with it in some states? Picking fights that you really shouldn't be in and thinking you are bigger and badder than you ever intend to be? Yeah. Right there.

Not sure if I want to slap DH or kick the boss or scream at the sec or kill the clients.
I already started a stupid argument w/ DH over something that really didn't matter in the first place. Men don't understand. For some reason he's just one of those who just hasn't learned (and probably won't concede to) the fact that when a gal has a turn at Ms.Bitchypants, it's best to just shut the freeking hell up rather than try to have the last word. My DH has to have the last word, which in this instance, is a very big mistake because it just pisses me off. So I had the last word in a screaming voice and wasn't very nice about it. Fortunately I'm still hormonal enough not to really give a darn if I was an idiot or not.

Boss is getting smart though. He saw it coming on yesterday and didn't come back to the office all afternoon. This morning he walked in, took one look at me, and walked right back out the door. LOL.


Counting the hours till bedtime when I can close my eyes. Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow TOM (timeofmonth) will finally get here and I can deal with that shit rather than the emotional crap.

EDITED 2:35 p.m. I'm so glad the stars have re-aligned and the whole universe has come together. All is right in the world again. The last 24 hours have been hell! So just now, a client came in ticked off because the judge ruled against her in court today. She started screaming and telling the atty to f&*ck off among other things. That broad is just lucky she didn't come in with that attitude a couple of hours ago. I would have chased her up the stairs grabbed her by her hair dragged her ass out in the street and beat the shit out of her. ;)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Memorial Day...

You know this past Saturday was Armed Forces day. I wrote to CousinBlue on Friday and thanked her for her service. I forgot to think Ms.Blue, my own daughter though. And I heard a song that just about made me lose it Saturday afternoon. Thinking about Ms.Blue and her service. Thinking about my friends sons and daughters who are in the military. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago we were worrying about their grades and their prom dresses/tuxes. And now we're worrying about them here, there, and everywhere fighting for our country. That puts a whole lot on a mom. Especially one who's trying to support another one, Mr.SoonToBeBlue who's next to go. How the hell do I send him off to do his thing and grow up when I want to lock him in his room and scream no no no no no you can't go?! How do you be proud and scared and supportive and terrified all in the same instant. Hmmm...

So. This weekend is Memorial Day. I think I'm going to drink a whole lot and pretend like I don't care. Think it'll work?

Is It Friday Yet???

Please, somebody.
Tell me it is?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Update

Michael said...
You make me laugh.Take CareMichael
11:36 AM

Kimdergarten said... Thanks Michael. Most days I still feel like I lost my funny...

aka meritt said...
What in the heck is going on with the TP situation!? OMG. Can you just MEMO her and say: "Please UP the tp allowance per month.... BUY MORE!"*Most* companies actually have extra in storage... perhaps she should be told this? And BTW: explain the whole pooping the pants thing please? You lost me on that one last week.
11:52 AM

Kimdergarten said... Meritt - We have had this ongoing tp war for over a year now. She gets an extra allowance in her check for gas to go to the store and carry a firm check to buy tp and paper towells. She used to be real good about going but the past couple of years she's slacked off to the point where she refuses to go and the cleaning lady feels sorry for us and brings some in. My perfect vacation or day off starts if I'm able to time the office running out of toilet paper about an hour before I'm off. She won't go get any. In fact, she's taken to wearing diapers rather than go buy it. Isn't that horrid? And yes, she not only poo'ed her drawers last week she had the ungracious raw courage to speak about it. Sorry if I lost you. I've learned to just keep my own supply and not worry about her. I used to get so mad...

Molicious said...
Bring your own TP and hid it from the bitch. Hee hee!P.S. We're interviewing for new secs in our office today. Very scary! Hold me!
12:52 PM

Kimdergarten said... Mol - I've learned to do exactly that. Good luck with your search. I just might send her over there for an interview. You'd deal with her much better than I do.

Greek Shadow said...
You would think that maybe your office would have a cleaning service that would take care of such things, but then again your bosses sound a little tightwaddish and they would pass on such conveniences.
2:18 PM

Kimdergarten said... Tig - LOL. Tight is right. Except the air conditioner war is officially over. Both a/c units have been running for at least 6 weeks and for the first time in four years it is cool in the whole office. Very nice...

Geriatric Psychology...

I am gritting my teeth trying not to snap this morning.

It seems both attys have reached the age that neither one can complete a whole sentance when trying to get their point across. My mindreading skills are a bit rusty, and that combined with the fact that I'm not a freeking attorney, makes it difficult sometimes these days to understand what I'm supposed to do next when exploring uncharted territory.


A paycheck is a paycheck is a paycheck.

Oh. And we're out of tp again in the ladies room. Anyone want to put money on how long it'll be before the sec goes to the store and picks some up? (note to self... bring personal supply from home!) LOL

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Empty Blog...

I haven't been writing at all lately but I have been reading your blog stuff almost every day. Guess it's some sort of funk or whatever.

Just because I'm not writing doesn't mean I'm not living life full every second. My SIL is not doing very well. I'm missing Ms.Blue tremendously but she calls me several times a day and we talk if only for a minute or two.

Work is still work. The sec pooped her diaper (second time in as many months) so I had a private fit of hysterics over that wishing one of her bed-buddies would have been in the office when it happened.

CousinBlue's HusbandBlue is over in the Sandbox. And as the weeks are already flying by we are ticking off the time until MsBlue heads that direction. As of right now it looks like she'll pack up her toys and head that direction with the next rotation. I'm hoping it will be much longer than that or she will have her turn there when the holidays are here.

Gotta run. Love ya.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Nothing to talk/write about.
Nothing to post.
Nothing changed yet and no news good or bad.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This and That

No definite news yet on SIL. Should have biopsy results today.

Sec is still a pain in my A**. Nothing new there.

Ms.Blue is having ups and downs settling in. It's tough not being able to make it all better for her, but she's calling me for advice, and sometimes even taking it. Guess that's a good thing.

Mr.SoonToBeBlue has his first commander's call this week. His leaving is becoming more real to me by the day. I remember going through this not so long ago with Ms.Blue. Thinking "This is the last time we will do this..." it's tough. Really really tough.

might have more later.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Here you go. The pic will be down shortly so take a quick peek before it disappears LOL.
This is DS(Mr.SoonToBeBlue) singing w/ DH and the dreaded unflattering pink poodle thingy!

No fair enlarging and sharpening! My hair was up in a ponytail LOL

edited 11:14
My mom just called and let me know my SIL is in the hospital, they just discovered cancer and she has pnemonia. If you're the praying sort, now would be a good time to send one our way...


Friday, May 05, 2006

Pretty In Pink (Lawgirl & The Pink Boots Part 3)

We're getting bookings a year and more in advance. Guess we're doing something right to be that much in demand...
Some friends of ours are meeting us at the gig tonight. G called me a couple of weeks ago and said..."You know this thing has a 50s theme and they are telling everybody to dress up..." Of course my answer was..."You've got to be kidding me. I don't have 50s stuff to wear!" She went on to say she's just wearing jeans and a leather jacket which I said ok I have jeans and a leather jacket, I can go there...
But of course this is 2006 in the South. My daughters talked me into trying on a pair of low rise flare leg jeans a couple of years ago, and now that is all I wear just as it's all my daughters wear for jeans. Just wouldn't work. Then add to that that it's in the 90s and 100% humidity with rain. No way am I going to even LOOK AT much less wear a leather jacket. So I started scrambling.
I asked around about who we know who might have a dreaded poodle skirt. (Shudder!) I missed the 50s. I missed most of the 60s. I'd be happy to go to something that required me to spike my hair and dye the ends of it blue. But NO. This one is going to require something positively ancient.
Of course somebody I know owns a poodle skirt. She told me I could borrow it which I graciously accepted, without even asking what colors it was. Shame on me!
I already had the cute white top and white bobby socks, so I ran to wal-mart the other day and picked up a black scarf for my neck and a white scarf for my hair, knowing that those two colors would most likely match anything and a pair of plain white old-fashioned tennies. No problem. Then last night she brought me the skirt I'm borrowing. Black poodle--great match. White accents - great match. But the skirt, I'll be darned if it isn't a hot PINK. UGGH. Outside of my pink boots, which I totally adore, I do not own one single thing pink! ACCK. So tonight I'll be the idiot onstage next to the dude dressed up like a dead guy... wearing pink.
Now let's just hope I remember to stop by the liquor store on the way home today because I have the feeling I'm going to need some courage just to take the ugly thing off the hangar.
Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tell Mr It's Friday...? (Edited)

I sure am glad that mess is over. Still don't have a single thing in the fridge but hey, I'm not crying over no milk ;)

Ms.Blue has settled in nicely so far. She's loving it. And this mom is loving the email from her throughout the day and a call or two on top of that. I guess I can handle her being so far away. They have her in a temporary dorm, it's going to be a few months before she gets her permanent one. She's getting there. Mr.SoonToBeBlue still has a while yet, thank goodness. I realized earlier today that at the rate they're going, all of my kids should be out of the house by the time I am 40. Wow. Maybe that means I can get a life or something... (yeah right. Lil'DD is going to live with us forever. I can see it coming!)

We've settled in to playing hold-em twice a week and spending weekends on the lake. I'm not complaining. In fact, when I look at my tan and think about how much the sec spent for her fakeandbake that is almost the same shade, I have to laugh. One of the ladies who plays cards w/ us regular has cancer and we think she isn't going to be around much longer. The radiation and chemo didn't work. That's going to be difficult to deal w/ when it happens. But enough of that for now.

The sec is still a royal pain. She's on one of her famous 2 hr lunches and I'll be surprised if she comes back at all today or tomorrow. I put in to leave early tomorrow, so you know how she does... we're supposed to be on the road this weekend. The hunkahunkaburninglovedude will be making lots of grey-haired screaming ole ladies happy. The new sound board is easier for me to work and I don't have to do as much constant mixing. One of these days we can retire and I can listen to some other kind of music! LOL

That's it for now... will try to post more next week. Looks like I've about wrapped things up and can breathe for a while :)

And oh... yeah yeah I know. It's only Thursday. But hey, a girl can dream, can't she?
Gotta run

EDITED 2:34pm. My apologies. She was 30 minutes late this morning AND took a 2 1/2 hour lunch. Mybad for saying she wasn't coming back... ;)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Gremlins Have Got Us!

Oh me oh my. What a week this is turning out to be.
Life doesn't have a rewind button it to let me go back to Friday and try it all over again, so we're rolling with the bad stuff and trying to hang in there.

Not all bad. But bad enough.

Bad storms blew through Saturday. Trees down and lines down. No electricity from mid-day Saturday until yesterday morning. Lost all of the food in the fridge & freezers again. power lines and phone lines and cable lines lying in the street. DH kept telling me over and over and over again -- it's not Katrina. This is not Katrina. No, it's not Katrina. Power is back on and the cable is too. Phone should be on by 7pm Thursday. I swear. Twice in a year having to replenish everything in the refrigerator and two freezers is getting kind of expensive. In fact, it sucks and was not in the budget at all.


Yesterday, went to leave for work and my truck wouldn't start. We are just not a one vehicle family. DH and I work at opposite ends of town, and we have two teens at home. Enough said? And DH's truck uses 3x as much gas as mine does... driving it so much, I don't know how on earth we'll get the money to put mine in the shop but oh well. We'll find it somewhere.


Work is still busy. At least when I'm at work I don't have that "I'm so stressed out I'm going to throw up" feeling I get when I think about my truck not running. Or thinking about all the things I need to buy because the fridge is empty. the freezer is empty.... the big freezer is empty too. (sigh)

Oh well. Everybody's healthy, right?
And we both are working, right?
And we do have one running vehicle. Hell, I remember when we only had one beat up old car and it quit on us and at the time only one of us was working, we survived. Surely we'll get through this too.

The good news is, I got to postpone my dentist appt today and don't have to get a filling for two more weeks! Hooray for being broke, foodless and down to one truck! :)