Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bad, Bad Mommy

I cried all the way home yesterday.
But I did not go to the bank and fix her problem.
She gets paid tomorrow. She can figure it out. (I hope!)

I think this is hurting me more than it is hurting her. Definitely.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Good Cry...

Gosh it's hard being a mom sometimes, do you know that?
It's just been one of those days, I guess...
The youngest two called me at work this morning. They were arguing, which is rare. Lil'DD and Mr.SoonToBeBlue had a job to do and she decided she was going to make him do it all and she'd just do what she thought she wanted to do. Mr.SoonToBeBlue isn't bossy like Ms.Blue, so he thought they should call mom to straighten things out... Lil'DD has a pretty scarey case of PMS I do believe because the way she backtalked me on the phone has never happened before. She has since apologized buy boy am I going to let her have an earfull when I get home tonight! Then right after that, within the same hour, I discovered that Ms.Blue had used up all of the minutes on our cell plan, and we have a week left until the new minutes roll over. She also had five hundred some-odd txt messages, which cost her ten cents each. We've asked her and asked her to be responsible, because even though she pays her bill for her phone, it's still a family plan and I'll be damned if I'm not going to have minutes when I want to call my mom or check up on SIL so far away going through chemo... or whatever. SO... we finally did it. Ms.Blue's been telling me for a few weeks that when she gets her hefty reimbursement check in 2 weeks she's going to get her own phone. I'm not waiting 2 more weeks. It was a done deal this morning. I shut her phone off... Ms.Blue had some problems w/ her pay statement for 3 checks in a row and is supposed to get reimbursed a large chunk of money on the 15th. I've offered and offered to put some cash in her account if she needs it. It's not her mistake, it's theirs. Five minutes after discovering we were out of minutes, the bank called to let me know her account was in overdraft... (sigh). It was one of those mornings where I wasn't sure if I was going to have a stomachache or a headache, for sure. I shut the phone off. She can get her own phone and I'm not helping her in that department any more. Just can't do it. Can not. Can't. Won't. It's over. Well, it will be over when she sends me the check for her part of the bill, quite a large sum in fact this time. She can get her own damn phone when she can afford to do so. As for the overdraft (and wait, let me back up a minute! I emailed her and told her we were shutting off her phone. The lovely young lady did not catch an attitude with me and in fact did not get mad. atta girl!)...ok. So she emailed me back when I asked her about her account and she had made an addition mistake of a dollar! She discovered it on Saturday and hadn't used her card since Friday and would not use it again until she gets paid in a few days... hmmm. I haven't run to the bank yet but am thinking about it. Maybe. Maybe not. Not sure I have the energy for any more lessons today. My kids are usually so good. too good in fact. I hate drama.
It is so hard being away from your young adult kids and letting them grow up and make their own mistakes. Hell -- I'm still growing up and trying to figure things out!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Gift To You...

I wasn't going to post this story because it's really pathetic.
Almost as bad as her taking today off...

BUT it happened something like this.

The sec sent out her resume and lied her a** off about her skills and qualifications. I mean flat out stretched the truth beyond belief of those knowing her. Then big city firm called her for an interview. She went and snowed them over.

So. We're going to have a big laugh, you and I.
The bigcitylawfirm created a position just for her. A position similar to what I do here except she will be working over six secretarys! OMG. She has neither the education nor the intelligence nor the capability of going to work like a real human being to do the job. We're going to be laughing over this a year from now... when they've realized just how she is and what they've got on their hands!

Ok. That didn't write up near as spiffy as I'd hoped...
Sorry. All I've got time for...


The sec took off today
(surprise - surprise!)

...and as for the other, well...
I guess if the government trusts these kids to
defend our country, well then, uh...

Mom's just gonna have to hope and pray like hell
they are smart enough not to make bad choices privately!

Gotta run!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Extended Stay...

It looks like the sec is going to work a few days longer than originally planned. And I would really be enjoying the fact that she's leaving, even with a couple extra days...

But my Ms.Blue is giving me a headache.
Part of me is missing her terribly and part of me is glad she's halfway across the country. She's coming out of her shell, as all almost 19 year olds should do. And as a californiagirl like her Mom, she's taken up going to the beach every weekend. That's my girl. The part that's bothering me is she's running around with some armydudes. In fact, has a date this weekend with one of them. She only went on one date in high school because she always said boys were so immature and stupid. Whyohwhyohwhy couldn't she keep that attitude for another 20 or 30 years? (sigh)
So. Ms.Blue and armyboy are going out with BlueFriend(female) and armyboyfriend(male) to a cookout.

Note to self: Go to liquor store. Buy extra vodka.
It's going to be a very long weekend.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

You Asked For It!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

More On (Moron?) Sabotage...

She's an idiot.
You've said it. Surely I've said it. Lord knows the bosses have said it...

Ok. So the name of the game is sabotage. Not me. no. I'm too damn busy to have time to play games right now. I know there's a desk under this explosion somewhere, I only have to find it... The sabotage is her thing of late. She's making sure the new girl is going to have a struggle and be overwhelmed when she comes in. She's hiding stacks of files rather than opening them or closing them. She's playing dumb and giving the attys a terribly hard time, with her "Well I just don't remember how to type that up..." game. She still spends most of the day walking out one door and in the other one, wandering aimlessly. I would really enjoy doing a second by nanosecond countdown on her leaving with you (you know my stupid countdowns! LOL) but just don't have time to figure out the minutes just yet. She's not worth it really anyway.

EDITED 3:23 p
...ok. So the bimbo actually said this to me the last time she walked through:
"I can't believe nobody here is giving me a pat on the back for coming in to work while I'm selling my house and moving. They could say good job sec. Nobody understands just how much I have to do with doing everything and working all day too!

Now let's see... where did I leave the barf bag the kids lifted the last time we were on an airplane??? ;)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Woe is me...

Ok. Woe is me was the only thing I could think of when I typed in the title.
But no, I am not having the rare pity party. In fact, things are going rather great and I just needed something to type in for the title. So if you want whining and complaining... ummm...better go read somewhere else today ;)

Work is busy as hell. I'm piled up and in fact so busy that I'm pretty oblivious to the fact that during the few hours the sec is here, she's out on the porch sunning and talking on her cell phone. Right now I'm just going through the motion of having to do both our jobs for a few more days and hopefully I'll be able to come up for air. So busy is good. Except for not having time to read blogs, but hopefully y'all will still be writing when things settle down.

Kids are fine. DH is fine. I'm pretty freaking peachy myself, all things considered.
No complaints! :) well... yeah. There's one. Been too damn busy to get in much hold-em the past few weeks. I'm really wanting to play in a couple of big tourneys. There's that new pontiac solstace (sp?) that I'm wanting to drive... maybe later this year. Who knows?

Gotta run! Love ya

Monday, June 19, 2006

Your thoughts on the subject...

chimx2 said...
Take all the toilet paper out of the bathroom and only keep a roll for yourself and any others at your desk. That should light a fire under her butt.

4:06 PM

Kim said... Linda. There hasn't been any tp in the bathroom in months. I keep what I bring from home hidden. I did make arrangements w/ the cleaning gal though to start making sure we're stocked. No worries now. Oh. But I did catch the sec coming out of the break room carrying a coffee filter the other day when she was heading for the bathroom...

poopie said...
Free at at last! How about a nice bag of flaming poo on the steps on her way out?

4:50 PM

Kim said... LOL! That would be hilarious. With my luck though, she would go out the other door and I'd be the one to slip in it... ;)

Molicious said...
Have fun in the sun. I just got back! :o)

Kim said... I did! And I think I surfed on a picnic table at one point...

JUST A MOM said...

Kim said... Jaye. There has been none to hide for months. I bring mine w/ me from home!

Greek Shadow said...
Kill her with kindness. Be the sweetest Southern Belle in history. She's expecting some kind of petty revenge and it will only reinforce what she already thinks of you. You'll also have the satisfaction of knowing you didn't have to stoop to her level.

Kim said... Tig. You know, I've been doing that for a long time already. It will be a great relief when I can just come to work and not have to worry about her games and whether or not she'd even be showing up on any given day of the week.

Michael said...
I like Greek Shadow's suggestion. You are class my dear.

Maybe a oing away gift. A personal roll of her very own.

Take Care

Kim said... Thanks Michael.

aka meritt said...
I don't think I like the way this story is ending.
The bosses never grew balls and fired her.
She gets to use up her paid vacations and crap.
No one called her to the carpet and fired her butt even though she deserved it 100,000 times.
She gets to move away and now has a GREAT looking resume that says she worked for a law office for (4?) years, which looks impressive.


She should have been fired. Why do the idiots always have such good luck?

Kim said... Meritt - You are so very right.

Melissa said...
Have a great weekend! :)

Kim said... Thanks Mel! We sure did :)

Rainmangotskills said...
I disagree with the suggestion to let her skate and walk away without any repercussions for being a Biatch. Besides what fun would that be?
Suggestions for a couple of paybacks:
Sign her up online using her real name and phone number for job's, dating services, free shit, magazine subscriptions, etc etc.
It will follow her forever.
Fill the defroster of her car with three hole punch dots. The next time she uses it, it will snow in her car. Evil but awesome

Kim said... RMGS - hey. both of those are very interesting. LOL. Might have to look into them. But gosh. I haven't seen a hole puncher in years. Got one I could borrow? ;)

Idgie said...
yahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!
Isn't it horrid when you're excited someone quit?!?

Kim said... Idgie! Good to see you hon! Excited doesn't even begin to cover it!

Oh yeah and I almost forgot to tell y'all
I'm getting a raise I'm getting a raise I'm getting a raise!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blogmail... ...Better Than Voicemail (Really!)

You have reached the desk of Kimdergarten...
I will be out of the office until Monday, June 19th.

Please leave your suggestions in comments for paybacks I can use on the sec during the last week before she leaves. Yes folks, only about a week left to score points before packing away the ole scorecard! Think long and hard while I head off for some badly needed fun in the sun ;)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's Countdown Time!

It's real
The bitch is leaving!
4 weeks, and one of those she'll be on vacation.
We're interviewing a gal this afternoon we've known for a couple years who did great work at a nearby firm. She's coming in at less than I'm making so fingers crossed that I finally end up getting a raise...
After 4 years of her craziness I cannot believe this is really happening.
It is. It is!
oh my, what will I have to blog about?
...will have to come up with some grand posts about the new sec!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Monday!

She's leaving.
Next month.
Is it really going to happen??
After all of these years?
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sec'sy Secrets...

guess who got an offer on their house?
yep, the sec.
she said she's going to counter offer high though.

methinks she's just playing another game and will be here until the day we all die.

Monday, June 05, 2006


SIL's cancer is stage 4 - started chemo today.
I, on the other hand, hiked 10 miles yesterday and am pretty damn spiffy.