Thursday, October 04, 2007

Middle Of The Road...

Thank you Stacy, for calling and checking up on me :) ...I always love talking to you...

The trip to see my son was wonderful! Ms.Blue and NavyBoy showed up in time for graduation, she even left her uniform at her base and let Mr.Blue have the weekend to shine alone... Lil'DD and I had a blast making the trip on our own... what a treat! We flew back home about the time Mr.Blue got on the bus to head to tech school... he's actually back here in Mississippi! ...6 more weeks and they send him to

somewhere in Texas for the second part of his school...

I deposited my paycheck from the firm the day before I flew to Texas. After our plane landed and I picked up the rental car, I checked my bank balance on the phone before we stopped at wal-mart and you're not going to believe this (well, you might if you've kept up with all the crap that's been going on here the past 3 years that I've been blogging about it)... and my paycheck bounced! They had shut the firm account down because it was in overdraft too long..>JEEZ what a pain... anyway, one of the attorneys made good on my check the next day but I was freaking out there for a while... When I came back to work on Monday, there were four certified letters from the IRS in the mail about liens and levvys and all sorts of awful stuff because of all the time the stupid Sec had lied about doing the taxes for the whole year... SO... the first couple of days after I got back was getting dollar amounts to the exact so they could not only get their bank account straightened out, but pay the taxes too.

The next weekend we went to a conference, so I only worked 4 days that next week... good time. Throughout all of this we were on the phone with the bank and the realtors back and forth negotiating about the house. Oh! I didn't tell you... they accepted our offer... We've been fighting over an existing easement though and I won't bore you with that except to say we should have an answer on that in the next 24 hours or so and finally know if we are going to close on Wendesday next week or if we are going to have to back out and look for another house...

I guess when Ms.Blue and NavyBoy spent that little time back together again during Mr.Blue's graduation weekend, NavyBoy realized how much he was missing his little sweetie... he quit school, quit his job, and moved back to Virginia last Sunday to be close to her again... She's going to be 20 in two weeks... and that's all I have to say about that for right now...

SO. You can imagine the whirlwind I've been in... not to mention last week I made my first real F*&k up at work ... it was a doozy. I made a 4k error and my boss had to pay for it. I've been so upset and sick over it... it wasn't entirely my fault but my boss didn't yell and scream or throw things or slam doors like he did when the sec didn't pay the taxes and lied about it and tried to hide it for a year. I called him right away and told him I screwed up... and we talked about it and gosh darn it his not yelling made me feel even worse than I already did! But it's over and I still have my job but it was awful... just awful...

This past Saturday I took my paralegal certification exam over in Jackson. I was really pleased with how well I did, though I expect when my scores come in 6 weeks I will have to retake the section on the different federal regulatory agencies and federal volumes and digests... It was an 8 hour test and following my meltdown over the messup at work, I just flat out couldn't remember. No sweat. I can retake that section in March and then I'll be certified. Sweet huh?

Yeah... it's been a whirlwind... I finally have a weekend off this weekend with no HAVE TO's. I cannot wait to get out in the woods and do some hiking... it's almost hunting season and the roads need to be worked. It will be a wonderful change...

Next weekend I'm supposed to be down in Hattiesburg to teach a class... I've done three individual trainings since March when I signed on to teach the new accounting systems, but this is the first regular class... Should be fun...

And to wrap it all up, I'm still having migraines. Every day since I posted about the last one. I have got to get rid of some of the stress, because I've known for years that the only time I'm overloaded is when I have them... last time was when I was working and doing my volunteer work and taking 5 college classes... I slowed down a bit and didn't have them again until now. I think I'm going to have to drop my 2nd job ... we'll see. I have to do something and soon.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I'll try to be better about posting with all that's going on. Thanks again Stacy for kicking me in the butt and reminding me that I haven't posted in forever! :)


Blogger Stacy said...

Great to talk to you too. I was getting a little worried, and you are just a phone call and what 50 miles away, so why not pick up the phone and call.

Glad you were able to spend a weekend with your three kids.

9:29 AM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

oh niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we dont' matter kidding glad you are still breathing..

10:35 AM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

Stress has a tendency to dehydrate a person, especially if they turn to alcohol to help relieve it. The migraines could be your body telling you it needs more water.
Congrats on the Paralegal exam, even if it is premature.

7:44 PM  
Blogger 1 plus twins said...

oh my you really have been in a whirl wind!! i hope you can get the migranes under control, i suffer from those too (not nearly as often as i used to) and they are horrible. i hope you found out you got the house. the pictures of your kids are adorable. you really need to slow down!! hope you get great result from the para legal test!! good for you, you should be really proud of yourself.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Mo said...

It sounds like you've been super busy!

BTW, I posted a link on the blog to my pics from New York.

11:32 AM  

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