Monday, August 13, 2007

Weeks 1 & 2

Thank GOD last week is over. It was a rough one.
I screwed up everything I tried to do at work... fortunately my boss remembered how I fell apart when Ms.Blue left and was really patient with me.

Mr. Blue made it through week 1 and is now in week 2. At least I'm assuming he did. I haven't heard from him and don't expect to... he wouldn't call now unless he'd been hurt or is getting discharged. No news is good news still doesn't make it any better though... I still jump every time the phone rings, even though I know it will be either Sunday or next Sunday before I hear from him the earliest.

Ms.Blue's supervisor approved her to take leave for Mr.Blue's graduation so she's hoping nothing will happen to mess that up and she'll meet us in San Antonio next month. She told me the other day her supervisor also mentioned that it'll be a year in just a couple of weeks since she screwed up last year and got arrested, she's worked hard and done a good job of staying out of trouble so it should be coming off her record before too long...

Before Mr.Blue left, he cut yards and yards of material for me, we have 3 gigs coming up in the next several weeks and I've been sewing like crazy the last few days. Every time I see where he cut something a little off and the scarf is going to be uneven or crooked, I just miss him so much I start to cry all over again. So it's more like sew sniff sniff sew sniff sniff... but I'm hoping to get the scarves done in time for Elvis to pass them out... this weekend it's a 4 hour show not too far from here... next weekend --check this out. Next weekend, we are driving all the way to Arkansas to play for an HOUR. They are paying for our hotel room for 2 nights. Plus gas/mileage. PLUS our regular fee. Guess with all the Elvis stuff that's been on tv the last month or so, it's a good time to do EP stuff... then next month we're back closer to home playing at a convention. I started sewing the egyption jumpsuit a couple of months ago, got about a third of the way through with it, and we discovered the aloha eagle kit which DH has been wanting forever so we put the other suit on hold and spent another thousand dollars on stuff to do the aloha eagle jumpsuit. We also had a new pattern made, the one I've been using for years has finally given up the ghost and just fallen apart... the new pattern took forever to get here... and it's been a nightmare ever since. I had to alter it a couple times, and DH has been putting all the studs on this one so I can have time to study. ... except the sleeves weren't measured right when they made the pattern... so I have to see if I can change them around tonight to get them perfect and then put the lining in... I'm not sure it's going to be finished by Saturday but we're hoping so...

Other than that, it's just life as usual here... The sec is still a pain in the ass. I received email replies from 2 of the jobs I sent out resumes on, didn't hear anything on the rest of them. Get this. The regular secretary government job I applied for sent me a thing telling me I wasn't qualified. Which was pretty much cool except for the fact that I've got my legal secretary certification (which by the way the sec managed to get hired without) AND am testing next month for my paralegal certificate. BUT. I was considered for the paralegal position over at the JAG office over in big city, which would have paid 3x what I'm making now plus benefits... so that made me feel pretty good...

Gotta run...


Blogger JUST A MOM said...


12:57 AM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

Good luck on the job search and hope your son does well.

12:39 PM  

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