It was a pretty uneventful trip. Of course MIL(MotherInLaw)had some snooty comments about my hair, which I was expecting to the point that I told someone it would happen last week before we left. She also had the nerve to ask me if I was gaining weight, because, well, she thought I'd gained a little. Oh No, I've lost fifteen pounds since we were here last year but DH has gained 25. She's just like that, you know. I got to participate in the tax free weekend (which my state does not do, so it was a great surprise!)... I left the mall with a pair of dress pants for DH for work, two hoodies for BabyGirlDD, a new blouse and four leather jackets for less than 50 bucks and no tax.
We also had the traditional bickering about my wanting to move back there and DH stating that if I do I'll be moving by myself. He forgot somewhere along the way, I guess that ThatGreatState was where I wanted to go for a very long time and that's why I had moved there from the west coast. He, on the other hand, spent his whole life there until he married me and decided to get the heck out of Dodge, never wanting to go back. Oh well. Can't have everything so guess I'll be happy with my little shopping spree. HAH.
The new sec called my cell phone daily. Just to BS. I called her back once and when I discovered that was all she wanted I didn't call her back again. I really needed that trip to get away from her. I'm having trouble adjusting to working with her, more than I expected. Again, oh well. I'm sure it could be worse.
I only have a week and a half and I'm off again for a couple of days. I am looking forward to being out, big time. Ms.Blue was supposed to be home in 13 weeks but she changed her leave date and I think I'm counting down 14 weeks now or something like that. Then after she goes back to her PDS it won't be much longer until Mr.SoonToBeBlue goes off into the WildBlueYonder.
Oh yeah. Not sure if it's been 7 weeks or 8 now but it's pretty clear my boss totally forgot about my asking for the raise. Any suggestions on how to bring it up tactfully?