Wednesday, March 14, 2007


hok. even funnier than my boss telling me I can only have one week off.

5 days before my surgery and the doctor told my dh this morning that he has the full-blown flu. I do not want to go home. I don't even want to be in the same city or breathe the same air! Am I awful??

OMG... that's funny. welcome to my life.

EDITED 3:00: after a couple hours of serious thought and a call to my dr (who by the way is out of the office this week, I talked to the nurse...) I went to my gp and got a shot and 2rxs to try and keep me healthy... now maybe I can go home.


Blogger Mo said...

I don't blame you. I would have bought a case of hand sanitizer, a gallon of orange juice, and a gas mask.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Me said...

When my husband had the 'real' flu I quarantined him in the bedroom. He stayed in the bed, the door was closed at ALL times and no one went in. I would venture in with hot tea and leave it by the bedside. I would venture in later to find it gone and he was 'out' again.

Lysol was sprayed over every doorknob, computer keyboard, bathroom, light switch and cupboard door. He was so bad we had to bring him to the doctor who said he was 1 day away from being hospitalized.... he got Tamiflu (?) and then LUCKILY (thanks to the quarantine and my Lysol) not one of us got sick.

I wish the same for you! May he keep it to himself!!!!

4:55 PM  

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