Tuesday, March 06, 2007


So... we've got a gig in a couple of weeks... part timg job #2 starting up again for the year I'm afraid... and I'm starting part time job #3 on the 1st of April. Oh yeah, and I'm starting part time job #4 on the 1st of May. Guess I've finally had enough whine with my cheese and figured the only way to solve the problem of not getting my raise is to find another way of going about getting it. ...in theory, all three part time jobs and full-time job #1 are supposed to work together and give me the opportunity to walk out of said dead end dysfunctional law-firm job on the given day when I've finally had ENOUGH. In reality, I already don't have time to breathe, so the added work and responsibility are most likely going to overwhelm and lead to screaming fits. And to top it off, in the middle of all of this, I'm supposed to be scheduling surgery. The dr told me a couple of weeks ago that I need to have the big H. Thank heavens at least THAT's gonna be done and over with. The only drawback to the whole ordeal is waiting to see when they're going to do it, because I just don't have time to have an abdominal hysterectomy... places to go and people to see and all that, ya know? ... the thought of having 4-8 weeks away from this place is enough to get me rolling on the floor in a fit of giggles. After all of my bitchin and complainin' ...I'm gonna get to see what it feels like to quit and be away from this place without having to actually say the words 'I quit" and walk out the door... SWEET!

Supposed to know tomorrow WHEN.... so at least I can start juggling meetings and seminars and see how it will all play out...

Gotta run!


Blogger P M Prescott said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Hope everything gets back to some type of normal soon.

11:36 AM  

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