Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ms.Blue and the Shredder!

Oh yeah! Ms.Blue is finally standing on her own two feet and has not only opened up her very own bank accounts there in the east... she emailed me this morning that she has shredded her ATM card and destroyed the checks on the account she and I share! She wants me to wait until the 1st befcre closing the account just in case her pay isn't switched to the new account like it's supposed to be (you know the military and its hurry up and wait)... I've played is game with her for the past year, trying to get her to be responsible and keep her account out of overdraft long enough to actually make this all happen. (Mr.SoonToBeBlue has his own account already before he leaves, I'm not going there again right now, sorry son, but your sister has ruined my patience as far as my children and their banking habits!) anyway... ever since Ms.Blue started dating NavyBoy she's been acting pretty responsible... for the most part. I'm not real fond of all the weekend sleepovers they are having however... and there's a particular part of NavyBoy's anatomy I wouldn't mind putting through the shredder...but hey. A mom can't have everything, now can she?


Blogger P M Prescott said...

Spoken like a true Mother and soon to be Mother-in-law.

11:59 AM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

hahahahah hang in there I am sure it will all come out in the wash,,, or shreder.

9:29 AM  

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