Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rabbits! Rabbits!

Remember, if Rabbits! Rabbits! are the first words you say on the first day of the month, it is supposed to bring you good luck ;)

Last night I was standing there, and I heard a noise. I looked at DH, he didn't hear it yet. I glanced down the hall and over my shoulder to make sure none of my children had given birth to a 2-year old while I was gone at work, because it sure sounded like the pitter-patter-pitter-patter of little feet. The noise didn't stop. I walked to the window. Rain?! Wow. NOW I remember that sound! In the past two full months, the only rain we have had since Katrina, was... well, Rita. This was RAIN! No hurricane attached! It wasn't enough to lift the burn ban or even make a mud puddle in the garden, but it sure was nice to see the sprinkles coming down...

Unfortunately along with the new month and the rain, comes another day ticked off the calendar. As of right this very minute, Ms.SoonToBeBlue has exactly as much time left at home as she will spend in basic training/boot camp. I've gone into denial and since she turned 18 last week she's just gone... well, plain stupid. Thank goodness the other two haven't been up to anything out of line because I probably would scream like a banshee at the whole lot of them. It's really helped since I quit school though, the stress level has changed dramatically.

Well, guess I better go and see what I can get myself into... Happy November!


Blogger Nobody said...

That's the most difficult part of schooling I think which is trying to maintain a busy life at the same time. I was working two jobs to afford transportation. It's very hectic indeed...

It rained very little here. It's still cloudy but not as hard as I'd like it to have been.

8:55 AM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

yep, yep,, did it I thoguht maybe you had an extra little person in your house like I get sometimes.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

My mom was wistfully talking about how she hoped to have "little ones" running around "sometime soon"

Obviously mom has high hopes that Jay and I will get married and have kids in the next few years-We ALL know I will get married and have a family before my brother, even though he is older.

10:39 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...


I didn't know about the rabbit thing.

I'll try to remember for next month.

2:56 PM  

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