Monday, November 07, 2005

More On (moron?) Nightmares...

The fog this morning locked me away from the rest of the world. Driving to and from work now really sucks. Between the road construction and all the people who are living here AK (after Katrina), my 7 mile commute is taking 45-50 minutes each way. So much for small town life.

This morning, I was thinking about driving to work the morning of August 29th. It is still as clear as if it was yesterday morning. It was such a werid morning, that day, that I had actually planned on coming in and blogging about it first thing. But I got busy and didn't. I remember thinking, good grief, all this darn traffic. Happens every time a storm comes to the coast and all the people come here. Our hick town and narrow roads just can't handle it. I remember reminding myself that I needed to make sure I locked the truck and didn't leave my purse on the seat or keys in the ignition, something hick town life has allowed me to do, all of the time except when a storm blows in and the people come here. It was a feeling of interruption, of things being different than how they were supposed to be. I only worked a few hours that day and just didn't get around to blogging about it. It's been 10 weeks since that morning. Things are getting back to normal here, the streets are clear, but crowded. There are still huge piles of debris but I'm sure in time those too will fade away. Still damaged homes with tarps, and of course not too far from here the fema trailers are replacing tents for those lucky enough to be high up on the list of the 500 trailers a day that are being planted. But some things just won't go back to normal. The people. They didn't go away after the storm this time. They stayed. And more came. The stores are crowded and the streets are crowded and the people just aren't as nice as they used to be. Nobody smiles, nobody laughs. People hurry more, and even worse, there hasn't been a day since August 29 that I could leave my purse on the seat and my keys in the ignition and just pop into the store real quick... Now, you have to lock everything up and carry the darn thing in with you, even if you are just running in for a pack of gum... Small town life just isn't supposed to be like that. Not here. The C-R-I-M-E thing is happening now too. We make the big news over in the city every day now. You wouldn't hear about us for months but now according to the big city news people, we are having murders. rapes. robberies. burglaries. kidnappings. jail breaks and escapes. All the big city type of things we liked to brag that didn't happen here. We don't like it.


Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

It's very sad how things are changing there. And I find it very sad that we hear nary a word about how things are down there anymore on the news.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Lyvvie said...

Sounds awful! I loved small town life and remember the days we never had to lock our house or cars. Must be awful feeling under siege. I hope things improve soon!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

I know the feeling. Our area is exploding with people and suddenly we have crimes only associated with "The big city" and I don't leave my car unlocked like it's been for the past 8 summers, with the windows down.

My front door was always unlocked for the neighbors to just walk in. Suddenly we all have to knock and wait for the doors to be unlocked.

Suddenly as night I look into the back seat of my car before getting into it in a parking lot.

Plus the smiles are going away, the line frustration glares are growing.

Nope, I'm with you... don't like it ONE little Bit.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Mo said...

I'm sorry your town has changed so much. I grew up in a very small town and I miss that feeling.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Dorothy - some areas are REALLY bad still.

Lyvvie - they have to, we're looking to move to a smaller town far, far away!

Idgie - EXACTLY.

Wife - I didn't realize how much it had become a part of me until it was gone LOL

12:03 PM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

I wish you luck on finding another location. Sad to hear about all the changes. Sad that such bad things are happening.

7:54 PM  

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