Monday, October 17, 2005

Tis The Season...

Oh, this is my favorite time of year!

Everywhere you go, you see pickup trucks with 4-wheelers loaded up into the back of them. Homes are decorated in camouflage, as it is drug out and dusted off. The smell of gun oil is in the air as rifles and muzzleloaders are being cleaned... It's almost time!

Our hunting camp has been modernized to extremes that are pathetic. All of us have campers and motorhomes with the necessities. Of course we all need tv's and vcrs and dvd players when we come in from a hard day in the woods, right? Not to mention a wide-screen tv near the pot bellied stove in the camp house, a wonderful old barn on the camp we have converted over the past several years into a comfortable haven for meals and parties. There, is the best-stocked bar in town. Traditionally, we feature a new drink each week... after we're done hunting for the day, of course. The meals... oh, sure, everyone knows that food tastes better when you're out in the open air, but we're talking some really great stuff we all cook together. It's almost time!

I need to get out there and bring the bedding home from the camper and get it washed and ready and I'm sure the refrigerator is a disaster as well from the power being off all that time after Katrina... Surely I didn't leave anything in it last spring when I cleaned out the cabinets and brought everything home... I hope! DH has had one of our ATV's in the back yard torn down and tuning up. Won't be long and our own will be one of those riding around in the back of the truck on the way to the woods!

It's bow hunting season here now. I'm not strong enough to pull a bow. But it won't be long now and it will be my turn! I checked the gun rack the other day to make sure my muzzleloader and rifle had not wandered off since the last time I checked on them... yep! There they were, right next to DH's. I'm the one who likes to go hunting, but sadly, he is the one who always ends up getting the deer...

It's more than a party or a sport or just a season. It simply IS.

The same families get together every year and play and work and hunt and throw the biggest Thanksgiving in the woods you've ever seen. Most of us don't even put our Christmas trees up at home anymore. We cut down a tiny pine from somewhere in the woods and all the kids and grandkids decorate it with handmade items they make inside by the fire... and we spend Christmas vacation there too! It's almost time.

Which reminds me... I need a new pair of hunting boots! I wonder if the deer would mind if I just wore my pink UGGS with my camouflage??


Blogger P M Prescott said...

Have fun. I've never bagged a deer, though not from lack of trying. I can never win the lottery for elk hunting around here either.

2:00 PM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

I'll not let Fawn read this. A friend of hers from school went to Wy. and shot a doe right between the eyes. UUMMMM can we say she was pissed!! Have fun.

2:13 PM  

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