Tuesday, October 11, 2005

About... Scarey Stuff!

I'm not a real big halloween freak or anything like that, but I do volunteer with the youth carnival every fall. The past couple of years I've been asked to help the teenagers with the haunted house. Last year it was a smash, the little kids loved it. There were a couple things though that we want to do different this year, and I need your help!

When the kids first walked in, we had an area for them to touch and feel kind of thing. In large bags, we had hot dogs cut to finger lenght for fingers. Thick jello for brains. Eyeballs were olives, spaghetti for guts and rough sausage cut to tongue lenght for, well tongues. It went over great and by their second time through even the girls would put their hands in and try and guess what they were feeling, but those rough little boys were making a mess and throwing food all over the haunted house and putting it in their pockets to munch on later, Yikes! Not a good thing... so I need something to put in that spot... something new, fun and a bit scarey for school aged kids...

The kids then moved on to a kid lying in the middle of a huge dining room table, set for twelve. There was an adult back behind the table scaring the kids and scooping out portions of the "dead" child onto plates and into bowls for dinner... the kid on the table would give the occasional full body shudder and scare the crap out of the kids standing there... We've added some stuff to this area so we're going to keep it.

The kids then moved on to a girl in an electric chair (gotta love my oldest DD. She ratted her hair out as big as it could get, and would flicker those lights on and off and give the loudest scream she could...) It was the first time we'd done that, and the kids loved it, but nobody knows what we did with the electric chair and DH is so busy with inventory at work this weekend I can't dare to ask him to build us another one. What can I use in this area that would be fun, fresh and scarey??

In the next area, we had a teenage boy sitting in an oversized chair with a huge pumpkin on his head. When the kids came by he would rise up out of the chair and scare the kids... Those poor boys that helped me, by the end of the day all three of them were worn out from taking turns wearing that big heavy pumpkin sitting on their shoulders... they could hardly get out of the chair! ...if I can find another pumpkin that size, we might use that again...

The kids have all asked to do something with a swamp, but I have no clue what. They're supposed to be bringing a bunch of spanish moss, and we have a fog machine. Where do we go from there to make a scarey swamp in one of the areas?

There's always been a kid rising up out of the coffin, but last year (remember the stupid little boys who were putting the food/body parts into their pockets) we had little boys kicking the kid in the coffin and nobody wants to do it this year...

Ok, so, who's up for scarey stuff? I'd appreciate any ideas or links you could give me. I don't want to spend a lot of money and we only have 2 weeks left to pull the rest of it together. Thanks for your help, I can't wait to see what y'all come up with! :)


Blogger Kim said...

LOL Thanks Amanda! I forgot to write that we were going to use a chainsaw in one of the areas! We've never done it before... will make sure we definitely line one up now.

9:25 AM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

I don't like scarry, so I gotta pass on this one Kim.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Sorry there Kim, I actually walked out in the middle of the last haunted house I was in... I even hate being snuck up on in my own house.


10:54 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

awwww... think little kid scarey! I need help! ;)

12:30 PM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

hahahah ok kid scarry, stand behind a blanket and then say BOO!!! sorry Kim I am in a funk,oh sacrry here ya go deal with the leagalistic christian parnets for your daughters boyfriend! love ya :)

1:55 PM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

I'm very good at scary stuff either. How about bats and spiders that drop from the wall or roof. Vampires and Frankensteins seem rather blase today, but for little kids maybe not too old hat.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I guess we'll just have to let the teenyboppers come up with the rest of the scarey stuff then! LOL

7:56 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

my high scholl drama dept did a haunted trail one year and the scariest thing we had was the marionettes. we had scaffolding set up and a guy on top who was the puppeteer. the puppets were kids in harnesses for safety bobbing up and down, but it looked like the ropes went through their wrists and necks. pretty gross and a big box on the side with kids that pop out with gaping holes through their necks begging for help.
then we had the artist. huge backboard covered in red splatters. guide tells them about the crazy brilliant artist that lives there. one real kid tied to a chair struggling to get away. dummy in a chair in front of the "canvas" artist comes in witha baseball bat and hits the head off the dummy splattering it all over the canvas.
my brother is pretty twisted...the trail was his brainchild

9:58 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Sara! That is perfectly Gruesome! I'm going to see if we can use some of that ...if it wouldn't be too much for the little kids! Wonderful...

2:28 PM  

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