Tuesday, October 18, 2005

About... Stuff.

Have I blogged about hold-em this week? Hmmm... don't think so. Guess it's time because it's really on my mind this morning. I haven't been playing quite as much lately. Trying to focus some extra time and attention on Ms.SoonToBeBlue. The phone's been a-ringing and emails are flying back and forth. There's a big game coming up in a dozen weeks or so and I'm trying to figure out whether or not to play. It's on the WPT (worldpokertour!!) and opens the door to the world championship game in Vegas. (Not the WSOP, we went to that back in July, but the WPT world championship tournament...) Anyway. The game is a week or so after the girl leaves for boot camp/basic training and I'm not sure I will either be sober or in my right mind. For now, I'm holding off on paying my entry fee, even though when DH asked me, "Do you think you have a chance in this one?" ...I answered, "yes" and meant it. Guess we'll see.

Right now we're trying to figure out how to draft a LW&T (will) for her to sign next week when she turns 18... in this state a child is a minor until they are 21 (which really is great because you get three extra years to hold that over their heads, they can't move out or rent an apartment or anything until they are 21 unless they emancipate)... The boss is looking into whether under the law she emancipated automatically at 17 when she was sworn in as an inactive reserve/delayed entry, or whether it will be when she goes active in December... and if she signs it when she's 18 and is not active, will it be valid under state law if God forbid, something happens. Anyway. Stupid stuff like that and direct deposit forms and trying to find the perfect sports bra for running and situps and pushups... Whether to cut the hair or not cut the hair... She doesn't even know for sure if she wants to get her driver's license before she goes or when she gets her first leave... What to pack up... she keeps giving stuff away, it breaks my heart every time she passes a pair of jeans or a necklace to her sister... this is hard. Do you hear me? HARD.

And to top it all off, I still haven't dealt with THE ISSUE with my boss. He's really been getting on my nerves a lot lately. One of his bad habits (he has many) is to call everyone he thinks he needs to talk to. Then, he returns all his phone messages for the day. While he's returning his phone messages for the day, all the people he could not reach that he thought he wanted to talk to call and leave another message. So he calls them back. Usually making at least thirty phone calls and of course no one is available so he runs out the door and leaves me to deal with thirty people returning his call and me trying to figure out what I'm supposed to tell each one that he wanted in the first place. This is a regular thing that happens often and bugs the heck out of me. Another bad habit he has picked up is coming up to me every morning for the past week or so, between 9 and 10, and asking me if the sec is coming in to work today. I always reply, "I don't know. I haven't heard from her..." To which he shakes his head and mumbles about her as he walks away. Hell, I'm not her Momma and I'm not her boss. You want to know if she's coming in, pick up the damn phone and give her a call. Or better yet, hire someone responsible enough to get here at 8:00 like the rest of us idiots who work here...

I have the heebie jeebies today pretty bad. Someone was in our office last night. Someone who should not have been. One of the attys (remember I told you about the one who ALWAYS loses everything??) was waiting for me yesterday when I pulled in the parking lot. He was the first one here and had lost his key (AGAIN). When he left yesterday he asked me to leave my key for him outside in a particular place (where they have left keys since before I was born...) which I did. When I came in this morning he asked me if the boss had been in early and gone to court out of town. No, he's here today. Someone had been in the office during the night and left all the lights on when they left. It wasn't the cleaning lady. She was at her other job at the casino. It wasn't the sec, it wasn't me, it wasn't the boss. Who was it and what on earth were they doing here?? Thank God I made all my deposits yesterday and didn't leave any money in my drawer... Boss got mad at him for leaving the key. What else can he say? This is the dysfunctional of dysfunction. Proof of that is that now, all the lights are off in the whole office, except for mine. They are all walking around in the dark this morning. Scarey.

Well, since it looks like the sec isn't going to show up at all again today, I better get away from here and get back to work. Sorry about all the rants. It's much healthier than drinking this early in the day though ;)

SCORECARD UPDATE...for those of you keeping track, the sec did not show up today and did not call... UGGH this placeis driving me bonkers!!!


Blogger Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Creepy that someone was in the office... especially since you posted about possible money shilly-shallying going on there. Was someone looking for something???

Scary - really, I think it's time you left that place.

It's funny... you were saying that your girl won't be legal until 21 there? When I lived there I could drink at 18! Did they up all the laws there I wonder? I actually moved away when I was 18 so I didn't try to move out to town or anything so I'm fuzzy on that stuff. I liked the drinking at 18 bit though! They actually moved it to 21 when I was 18 but I was 'grandfathered' in so I got to show off a lot.

Hon... I hear there's another storm coming... I pray it's nowhere near you.

On another subject.. (I have a whole post in your comments!) I saw on GMA Robin Roberts showing Pass Christian and the people LIVING IN TENTS there and I just hope a whole bunch of people saw it to validate your tale of a few weeks ago. That's all I'll say on that one.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Thanks Dear. They're trying to move them all into tents and trailers before the cooler weather sets in. You are on a roll this week. Keep up the great writing!

9:30 AM  
Blogger JUST A MOM said...

UUUMMMM I agree,, you need to bail. Just walk the hell outa there. Hell you can flip burgers for less stress, adn McyD's pays well. Hang in there. Hope your day gets better.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Uh, ummm... Jaye? McyD's doesn't pay anywhere close to what I'm making here, honey.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

LOL Val! We'll see ...and hey, thanks for stopping by!

12:52 PM  

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